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  1. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    No. Down the center of the coop used to be a septum wall with chicken wire. I presume for separate flocks/chicks. I might remove the beams to the floor to expand space and access for me and the birds. I'll also move the food out to the run.
  2. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    Yes, we thought about the brooding chicks possibly too. At this point, I don't know about our future with chicks but I'm thinking this could be an easy fix with a temp divider until they're grown, if we take the beams out now. I think long term, the ease of "now" is worth the temp fix in the...
  3. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    I definitely don't think there's enough roost space and they seem too close together. I'm thinking of reinforcing the mid beam to be able to take out the middle floor beams... I don't know for sure if they're even load bearing. Doing this and moving food and water into run may free up space in...
  4. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    I love this table. I think moving the food to the run will definitely be my next move
  5. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    Ok. That's a great tip on a little at a time... I probably was putting down too much at once.
  6. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    This setup looks great. I think my roosts are too close together. Wish I had more options to distance inside the coop.
  7. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    Yes. I'm considering moving their food out to the run on e it's securely covered.
  8. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    Thank you all for your advice. Here are more pics. As you'll see, I've started the sand transition but need to remove it as I've discovered this is still too fine. Need more gravel like sand. I will be leaving all surfaces bare until I can find a solution that suits me. As you see it's laminate...
  9. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    Thank you soon much! I'll get those photos posted in a couple hours or so...
  10. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    Thank you for such great feedback. I guess I'm concerned with the smell, respiratory issues and poop smear. The pine tends to stick to their feet and they track poop everywhere. It's also like paste to scrape off once it dries. I figured with sand, it might act as an exfoliating mechanism and...
  11. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    They free range on about 2 acres daily, poop boards are under roosts. I cleaned it all day yesterday and cleaned off about 10 lbs of poop this morning off just the boards. Is sand easier to manage poop than pine?
  12. MamaBirda

    I inherited 22 hens and a rooster. Cleaning help please!!!

    The coop is custom from previous owners, roughly about 12'x9' fully enclosed, insulated, vented properly ( I think), and an elevated floor with indoor laminate wood flooring throughout the coop. Two small doors from the run into the coop and two narrow doors from foyer into the coop on opposite...
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