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  1. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    This post below is about one of my chickens, Beatrix. Please read, and share if you like. Post in thread '#TeamCrossbeakAmber' On a side note, I once again got my chickens in the Murray McMurray Hatchery...
  2. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Update: Valerie got released from jail today. She was happy, though she considered sleeping in the nesting box tonight. She had sat down on all the eggs like she was attempting to warm them. Thankfully she didn't stay there long.
  3. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    So my lucky birds got quite the treat today! They got the a deer rib cage today and they love it. I have a picture of them enjoying it, but I'll put it in a Spoiler just in case nobody wants to see it. My little pet raptors.
  4. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Someone is back in broody jail: Just look at that guilty face: Valerie, my only Olive Egger who actually lays olive colored eggs, is a naughty bird. She is seven months old and this is her second time of going broody. I didn't want to put her in broody jail, but with the weather getting...
  5. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Ok! They are! Aww, what a pretty name! Do you have any pictures of Autumn or any of your other EEs you had? Wow, that is very impressive! Do you have any artificial lightening on them? Aww... Daisy sounds fun! There's a chicken molting contest going on right now. Maybe you should enter it...
  6. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Hey, anybody want to check out the contest that I'm hosting? :D
  7. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Thanks! They were taken on my Samsung phone. :)
  8. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    So, the flock got some new leaves to their run today. They liked them so much, a few of them 'laid down' in some of the leaves. Midnight laying in the leaves: Zelda (top) and Sarah (bottom) doing the same as Midnight: Then something funny happened... Marvalo III, took her dust bath, under...
  9. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    This morning Victoria II and Valerie got their Pinless Peepers off. It's been two weeks since they've been wearing them, and it's not recommended to let them wear them longer. With two weeks as the average time on habit for chickens, I'm hoping it's good enough to stop the beard plucking. Of...
  10. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Thanks! I only got 10 eggs today, though. Which is still good for everyone one but two is new layers and those two who aren't, are in soft molts right now. Hey, did you see these pictures yet? :D vv
  11. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Thanks! I love the variety too. I love mixed flocks. The only downside with this mixed flock, is the primary color is black, which is harder to take clear pictures of. (On the upside of the black, is black is one of those colors like blue, that I've rarely had, so it's nice to see it. :love ) I...
  12. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Thanks! Let's see if I can remember them all.... Rhode Island Blue: Shiloh II Isa Brown: Beth II and Tweety IV Orpington: Betty the Lemon Cuckoo and Midnight the Black (Split Lavender) Maran: Phoebe and Victoria II (Black Copper); Macy and Zelda (Silver Cuckoo) Easter Egger: Amber...
  13. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    15 more eggs today! Organized all my eggs:
  14. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    I do, 19, and yes, a wide mix of breeds. I don't have any white eggers currently. I suggest getting a Whiting True Blue instead. They're similar to EEs, but better. They'll lay blue eggs guaranteed, look like an EE, but have a better, calmer, friendlier personality. My Sarah I can literally pick...
  15. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    19, though I'm thinking Midnight might not be laying yet, so it's more like 18 layers at the moment.
  16. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    New record for my hens. 16 eggs today!
  17. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Same to you! It feels like it's been forever. You changed your profile picture, I see. It looks cool! Thank you so much! Yep! Thanks. Wow, I didn't know that, cool! :)
  18. Lacy Duckwing

    Life With The Flock: Lacy Duckwing's Flock Thread

    Thank you! :hugs:hugs Not everyone was in those pictures, though a lot of them where. If you're interested in crossbeaks, I got a few pictures of my crossbeak Amber too, but included them in her thread here: Post in thread '#TeamCrossbeakAmber'...
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