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  1. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    I think it is an actual viable project. You just would need at minimum 3 pens and room to order in 50-100 chicks to have a chance at getting quality. I have neither the energy time nor space to do so.I hope somebody will try it though while the Knoll line still exists.
  2. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    Well this project is now a bust. I may pick it back up sometime down the line when I have time and actual breeding pens setup. 3/4 of the hens from the last group continually had impacted or saggy crops. A couple of them were Hay eaters. I was down to just one Okish Roo and I just didn't have it...
  3. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    I did indeed throw a few eggs in the bator from my NH pen. Properly marked roosters but didn't keep track of the hens. I'm thinking I might be lucky here.
  4. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    Very Jealous. Hopefully will have some of my own by summer
  5. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    Surgery went OK. Could find neither my suture kit nor skin glue so will have to wait and see if she heals up on her own. Pulled a baseball sized clump of compacted grass from her crop. Would have had to cull her regardless within a week if this doesn't work, 🤞. Sun made for excellent lighting...
  6. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    I'm thinking it's a "learned" behavior from when they were chicks. Having to ration feed on this girls to keep them trim enough to breed makes them think Anything is food.
  7. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    They are semi free range most of the time. It's not so much the hay I use in the nest boxes and for mud control, its the standing old grass. Without doing a fully contained coop and run it's very hard to keep them away from it.
  8. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    I did get some replacements from FR last year. Have 2 roos and only 1 marked hen left. And she is a hay eater. Set to do a crop surgery tomorrow. Lost 2 of her sisters that way in the late fall. I think it's going to be a case of breeding the Roos to my non marked females and going from there.
  9. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    I would need to order 20 more chicks from Freedom Ranger. And their next available order date is for the begining of Oct. That is far too late in the year for me to start chicks here. So it puts me a full year behind to start fresh.
  10. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    Ok. So. It looks like the 1 marked male I had left either lost his leg band. . . Or he had gotten out and was with the others that got ate. Considering I count 4 female tags out of 5. Means I messed up somewhere. Ok the Goal is to breed back in sexable markings at hatch. I have 3 females who...
  11. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    He is too young still to tell for certain, but he acted more like a cx with food infront of him then a real chicken. I can hope he settles down but its not likely. This is my 3rd batch of these birds. And some are just too much of a meat bird. Great for your table, not so good for keeping around.
  12. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    I know it was my fault. I saw the open spot in their cage wire the night before, just did not have it in me to fix it in the dark at 9.30pm. It just sucks that the coons hadnt been in their run At ALL, until the one time I wait to fix something. Trail cams are great for monitering, unfortunatley...
  13. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    A mean bully of a bird is not worth breeding him into a line reguardless of what kind of genes he carries.
  14. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    I'm going to hang on to him, as a failsafe. Tre3hugger is hatching out chicks from the same line of birds, they are going to check for a properly marked male for me. Hopefully between the two I can get away without having to order a new batch from Freedom Ranger.
  15. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    Yes. Which is what this lastest batch of birds were being saved for. I had selected the properly marked birds, and was watching and hoping to get a decent trio out of them. To try and Breed this trait back in. Unfortunately the Raccoon killed my rooster chicks and the best females. I have one...
  16. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    Was going to do an update today on how the chicks were growing, which ones were being kept etc. Raccoon decided to derail that. Lost my 2 of the 3 prospective roosters, 2 of the 5 female chicks. 1 was already out of the running, appears to be a rooster. And so on. This is the 2nd batch of NH...
  17. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    4 week old Cx and Freedom Ranger NHs 7 week old layer cockerels
  18. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    Update. I'm fairly certain all the ones marked as boys are infact boys. But I have 2 marked pullets that are probably male. Will need to wait further and see, I think I remember some of the hens showing comb early but not certain. I moved the obvious marked pullets into the tractor with my 7...
  19. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    18 days old. The biggest roo chick is the first to investigate and the friendliest. And the girls
  20. SheaLoner

    Cackle article claims NH and RIR autosexing?

    Update pictures. The chicks are 8 days old in these pics. The boys one of the girls
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