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  1. ShrekDawg

    McMurray Hatchery free surprise chick

    Aww I’m sorry, that really sucks! 😭❤️
  2. ShrekDawg

    McMurray Hatchery free surprise chick

    That sucks! 😭 I would have thought there’d be at least one female lol what did you do with them all?
  3. ShrekDawg

    McMurray Hatchery free surprise chick

    Yeah mine was April I think. And that’s so odd!! Were they all males?
  4. ShrekDawg

    McMurray Hatchery free surprise chick

    Well maybe it depends then because I ordered 8 birds total plus they included the extra BC so it was 9 birds and also springtime when I got them so maybe they figured they were plenty warm enough, idk. I did not check anything for no extra birds or no males or anything like that. It’s kind of...
  5. ShrekDawg

    McMurray Hatchery free surprise chick

    That was probably before the heat packs existed.
  6. ShrekDawg

    McMurray Hatchery free surprise chick

    Also most hatcheries add heat packs now and/or raise the minimum order number when it’s cold out or just flat out refuse to ship so I don’t think the extra males for warmth thing really applies anymore cause they’ll just add a heat pack.
  7. ShrekDawg

    McMurray Hatchery free surprise chick

    Oh and I’ve ordered from Meyers several times as well, though only added the extra chick once (didn’t have the room for more) and that one was an extra female of one of the breeds I had ordered.
  8. ShrekDawg

    McMurray Hatchery free surprise chick

    Ideal doesn’t either. At least on my order. I don’t think anybody does anymore unless you order very large quantities. I ordered some birds from them a couple years ago and got an extra female bantam Cochin. I did get one male in my order but they were straight run anyway so I think 1/5 is...
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