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  1. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    @Pollo Blanco, I respect that you have been a member of this community much longer than I have, that you are a premium member and a BYC friend. However, I started to respond to one of your earlier posts today then I realized than you had posted a laughing emoji as a response to my year-old post...
  2. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    I am a veggan -- but I ONLY eat eggs from my own girls. I am not taking advantage of them. Laying eggs is a natural process for them, and I am quite sure they don't care whether I eat the eggs or throw them in the trash. I take B12, but eggs are a major protein source for me.
  3. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Just a quick note -- has anyone else tried the coffee-flavored non-dairy dessert, aka vegan "ice cream," by Oatley? Good thing it's only sold in pints -- which limits how much I can eat at a time. No willpower when it comes to this one. Does anyone else have a "summer sweet" I should try?
  4. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    @BelovedBirds, that sounds like me enjoying my Tofurky finds. One of the regional grocery stores just started carrying the peppered stuff -- which had been discontinued by another store months ago -- along with "barbecued chick'n chunks." I haven't tried those yet, but they are in my fridge...
  5. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    @wafflesalt, it's never too late to join in! It's good to have you here, welcome!
  6. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    On a completely whiny note: my local Target -- which has been selling Tabitha Brown vegan products, including delicious patties and sausages which are regularly out of stock -- is now CLEARANCING out all of the TB stuff!!!! I finally found great vegan "meats," and now, they won't be stocking...
  7. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    On a totally different subject, I discovered last week that Target is selling Tabitha Brown foods and kitchen ware. I am now in love with the garlic seasoned, plant-based patties. They look good, have good texture, and taste great. Haven't yet tried the wine and mushroom seasoned ones. The...
  8. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Sounds delicious! I didn't do anything special for meals, ate leftovers. We had the worst blizzard I've ever seen out here, and snow got into coops where it had never been before. I spent HOURS on Christmas trying to clear out snow. I barely had enough energy to crawl onto the sofa, no...
  9. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Congratulations on your success! And, on using nutmeg -- a wonderful ingredient that improves so many dishes.
  10. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    I get what you're saying about leftover soup, @WIchickMama. This recipe makes quite a bit, but I'm lazy enough that I will just keep reheating and eating it until it's gone. 16 oz. mushrooms ($3.98) 2 Tbsp cooking oil ($0.08) 3 carrots ($0.57) 3 ribs celery ($0.55) 1 yellow onion ($0.37) 2...
  11. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Whenever I say I'm vegan, I feel like I'm not being entirely honest because I eat eggs -- a lot of eggs because I have chickens, ducks and geese. So, veggan is more appropriate, but if anyone asks, it's easier to go with "vegan." It's even easier not to explain at all because I live in the...
  12. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Let me echo what @WIchickMama said about how to incorporate eggs into your diet and in wishing you good luck! I won't buy commercially produced eggs, but I also don't want to waste those little packages of protein that my girls provide, regardless of whether I eat them or throw them away. What...
  13. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    I like reading about what other folks eat who exist on a plant-based diet. So, I've been a big fan of this thread, which has been pretty respectful of everyone's beliefs and opinions, their reasons for or against eating animal-based products. Open discussion is great, but I feel as if the...
  14. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Kudos for rescuing Bonnie! She's lovely. I haven't been here for a while, so I just saw the photos of Dougie and Sprightly -- who I've read so much about. They are beauties! I made my first chickpea curry yesterday and was pretty pleased with the result. I have gotten a bit lazy about...
  15. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    First off, it appears that you are feeling much better -- good for you! Secondly, I chuckled over the "vegan dog burger" part. I've also never eaten duck. Finally, I am impressed with the amount of work you did to make your duck-style meal. I have to admit to buying too many pre-packaged...
  16. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Much as I like hot sauce, I'm not sure I'm game for putting it on pineapple. Back to the iced coffee, @BelovedBirds. Commercial iced coffee was one of the last things I gave up when I started eating vegan. I started every day with a glass or two, once in a while, three. Although some companies...
  17. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Is it cruel to keep dairy cows on grassy pastures? No. But, in order for cows to produce milk, they have to keep giving birth to calves. What happens to those calves? Does the dairy owner keep them -- and have an ever-expanding herd? Sell them to someone who keeps them safe and happy? Do the...
  18. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    One of the things I've enjoyed about this thread is that there is room for EVERYBODY'S beliefs and opinions. So, welcome aboard, @Sussex19! This thread should be a safe place to express what you think without being judged or attacked. It's also been a place to share recipes and which vegan...
  19. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    I find it much easier to eat "proper" foods since I went plant-based (can't be a "pure" vegan because I eat eggs, but only those from my own birds). Learning to cook without meat or dairy has opened up a whole new "hobby" for me, and I've eagerly been adding vegan cookbooks and online recipes...
  20. Callender Girl

    Vegans of BYC!!

    It's a challenge to be the only vegan at meal time, isn't it? I was thrilled when I found out that one of my latest houseguests is lactose intolerant and doesn't eat ANY dairy -- made my meal planning much easier. Fortunately, neither cared that I wasn't serving any meat, either. I think...
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