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  1. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Oh no! They looked amazing, I would have definitely shared. I had cereal with soy milk for lunch, that kinda day.
  2. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    @Callender Girl would you be willing to share your mushroom soup recipe? I haven't made a creamed mushroom soup before and would love to try. The problem with making soup for me is that it usually makes SOOOOOO much food. My kids will typically eat a bowl maybe one for leftovers, my DH is not...
  3. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Well if you do try them, know that they will be from ladies who are well taken care of and loved! I eat the eggs from our chickens and I do not feel as if I am contradicting myself at all. If you don't like the taste of a plain egg, which some don't if they haven't eaten them growing up, then...
  4. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Today the plan is a smoothie for breakfast, huge salad and rice cakes for lunch and squash and homemade bread for dinner. You?
  5. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    @Callender Girl I agree, though interesting the religious talk I am all for recipes and support from other vegans/vegetarian/or like minded individuals. Tried a new cold brew recipe I saw on a talk show. Pumpkin flavored- use canned pumpkin, maple syrup and cream, which I substituted coconut...
  6. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Confession of a vegan.....I keep jars of stage 1 baby food (so just the basics) on hand in case fruit/veggies are unavailable (what've want anyway) or ridiculously priced. My youngest loves the apple and mango! Works out to be a bit cheaper than applesauce pouches and more choices. The only...
  7. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Haven't been here for awhile, busy closing down the garden and watching a broody! lol Hope everyone is well and life is good. Here comes the hard part of the year for us to find 'good' fresh (preferably) local veggies and fruit. The fruit is zero as far as local, the veggies we will have to eat...
  8. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    oh yeah, probably won't see it where I am. lol We really try and just eat from our garden or local farmers. DH makes meat almost every day for him, likes others said, it smells good.
  9. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    We use oat milk in our coffee and it is amazing, won't use anything else. Do you have the brand of the vegan caramel sauce? That coffee looked amazing, much better than my plain black coffee this morning. lol and your vegan duck meal looks amazing, much better than my rice and veggies I had...
  10. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Definitely not a pure vegan here either, eat my chicken's eggs and local honey ;) Welcome at @Sussex19! Want to try and make my own nut milk, anyone have any experience with this? Which nuts work best? Best way for processing?! Thanks
  11. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Thank you, I am going in next month and will have it checked
  12. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    I feel like I am in a vegan slump....same ole same ole stuff. I have recently came to terms with I cant have any processed/man-made sugars, I get massive headaches and just feel yucky. Sweets are my downfall, so this transition hasn't been easy and I am just not feeling much of anything right...
  13. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    @Callender Girl Awesome-good to know that is tastes pretty good. I love hearing about experiences others have with some of the 'fake' meats and dairy products as I am not too picky, but hate to buy a whole package of something if it just isn't good. Got some cranberry orange Abe's brand mini...
  14. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    @Henhouse Harlot I am trying this next week! Thank you, sounds delicious though I am not a huge fan of tofu, I can stomach it. @Ccort I haven't tried nutritional yeast yet, as I honestly haven't had the time to research on how to use it. I have some ordered in my Thrive Market order for next...
  15. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    She can definitely eat beans, she just chooses not too or will eat them for like a week straight and then be done with them. She is almost 16 :lau I should try some tofu for her, I am not a super fan, but maybe she will be.
  16. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    do have a question for you all, DD can't do nuts because of allergies and can be super picky, any good suggestions for some protein for her. I can get her to eat some beans but not a ton and the fake meat for the most part is a no-go, though she loves the blk bean burgers and fake ckn patties.
  17. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    We eat the Talenti Sorbetto here--the Fudge Cookie one is my favorite and then there is a lemon one too-multi different layers of cookies and such. The kids and I only eat the eggs from our chickens, who are pets, pets, pets! Cruelty free here for sure :) lots of love and snuggles. DH eats...
  18. WIchickMama

    Vegans of BYC!!

    Vegetarian here, I eat my chickens eggs, the local CSA duck eggs and goat milk, all local and all humane places. Other than that it is veggies and fruits, again mostly grown by me or the CSA. I do it for health reasons and animal cruelty.
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