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  1. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    Wow thank you! They were such fun to make too. Wish I could share them, but they are all long ago eaten :D . Lots of great competition this year (Blooie you should get a special mention for creativeness)
  2. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    Some people like cake. Other people like frosting, and cake is just the delivery vehicle.
  3. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    I am squarely in the cake-as-a-vehicle-for-frosting camp, and the frosting was delicious. I know that because I ate way too much of it.
  4. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    Yes, the one that uses only butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla. Makes a very stiff frosting which is what you need for the flowers to stand up. If it was too stiff I used a tiny little bit of water to smooth it out.
  5. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    Thanks, it was a new venture and I was quite shocked at how they turned out
  6. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    I think a food contest where you don't get to taste the food must also be quite hard to judge
  7. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    I think the fish tank is brilliant 😄
  8. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    Goldfish crackers and peanut butter. Can't wait to see where this goes.
  9. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    That's why I did cupcakes - can't ice a regular cake. Used about 2 1/2 pounds of butter making buttercream frosting :sick hope that I learned not to lick the bowl! There are some amazing videos on Youtube showing how to do flowers, some of those people are awesome.
  10. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    I'm about as amazed as anybody else
  11. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    A bouquet of Easter flower cupcakes with a wee little nest in the middle
  12. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    All our Easter baking is done on Saturday. Might do some cupcakes this year...
  13. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    I will again make the generous offer to judge this contest, as long as I am sent samples of all the entries 😎
  14. 1muttsfan

    Ended 13th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Edible Easter Contest

    One of my favorite competitions, there have been some beautiful entries in years past
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