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  1. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Tuesday is just like Monday, but without the promise of a new beginning. :rant
  2. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    OH I'm so stealing that! He's better than an eyeroll emoji.
  3. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    A toofer, Snark AND Cat content.
  4. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    :frow Here too. When someone mentions it I flip my pony tail on top and announce that I'm getting ready for my comb over.
  5. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Mine was always longer than usual but when I met DW and she liked long hair I stopped cutting it. It was mid back long for 20 years until DD wanted to 'trim' it for me (she watches TOO much Youtube.) Now it's shoulder length. :confused:
  6. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Beat me to it! :drool
  7. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Gawd y'all reminded me of another story. Long ago and far away my brother and I went to Nuevo Laredo shopping. I LOVE oregano, btw. We found an open air spice market and of course the most fragrant oregano :love. (Stop it. It was really oregano.) The lady asked how much I wanted (I think). I...
  8. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    That has always been my problem. Every one has been trying to keep up with the Jones. I've been trying to keep up with the Waltons.
  9. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    She is definitely giving you the 'stink eye'. "Okay lady. Post that photo of me molting and I'm posting a photo of you waking up in the morning!"
  10. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    It's gotten hard to buy personal gifts. We are getting DD & BF cards. I'm also ordering copies of 'Life on the Mississippi' by Mark Twain (he is studying to be a river pilot) and 'Propaganda' by Edward Bernays to place the cards in.
  11. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    You might want to do some self reflection on that.
  12. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Consider thinking of it as how guys and like minded girls can jossle each other and still laugh and be civil.
  13. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Abnormal Psychology class research?
  14. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    "I don't know how the bed caught fire. It was burning when I got in!"
  15. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    I lived in a strange neighborhood looking back. About a block down the canal there was a guy who used to fly around the world filming and capturing wildlife in a B-25. (Not Marlin Perkins and Jim.) I thought it was normal to listen to a Lion grunting at dusk. Or to watch squirrels being chased...
  16. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    I never thought of it being because of new emotions. I like that.
  17. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Me too and we turned out fine.😜
  18. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Very true. When I was doing 1st person historical reenactments (1699 to Vietnam) my card read, "Tell it like it was." Someone said recently 'History is not ours to change but to learn from.' Having said that, I DO have a pet peeve about trying to tell kids inappropriate things at too young an...
  19. Hayden Goseek

    Which BYC member scares you?

    I guess it depends on how deep you get into it. There are a lot of lessons about trust, betrayal and courage without getting into the nasty details. Someone wrote, 'If you follow ANY story to the very end, it ends in death.' (Edit) I was close, “Every true story ends in death.” Ernest Hemmingway
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