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  1. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    The boy decided he cooking tonight
  2. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Blaming other people for our own behavior is what has got us into this sh!t hole that society has become in the first place
  3. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    @Isadora and @Aunt Angus What exactly do you consider a feminist to be? Serious question.
  4. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Friday is the cure. Tuesday is just Monday jr
  5. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

  6. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    My boy went through a phase wanting long hair. I told him he could grow it as long as he wanted, but he'd have to brush it every day. He decided that was too much work. (Unrelated to the hair cutting incident lol)
  7. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    My boy did that when he was 6 or 7. Unfortunately I lost the pics 😔 It was so bad. Really really bad lol. He made himself half bald. I had to shave his head right down.
  8. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    We don't negotiate with terrorists
  9. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Best. Mom. Ever!
  10. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    I don't know...doesn't agree with me
  11. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Or maybe I'm Aruban 🤔
  12. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    I'm a Jamaican trapped inside a Canadian's body
  13. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    One of the most impactful moments of my life was when I was in grade 10 and a ww1 reenactor came to our school. He really brought the atrocity of war to life. I will never forget that.
  14. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    The history we're living right now is pretty effed up and dark. I don't see how teaching kids about dark events from the past, in an age appropriate way, is a bad thing.
  15. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Alright, fair, don't deduct the amount from your rent. But still send the itemized list.
  16. MACCanadianCoop

    Which BYC member scares you?

    Yeah, except doesn't sound like the landlord wants to work anything out
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