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  1. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    !!UPDATE!! I have confirmed one of them is a hen! She is doing breeding behaviors and her comb is TINY. But honestly, the second one still gets me. I may be reading too much into it and worried they are a rooster for no reason. What do you all see?
  2. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    THAT IS SO INTERESTING Yeah, she has a little claw, I thought it was a wing coming in but it’s never changed. I have been hoping for them both to be pullets, they are super adorable. They are both skittish still and I haven’t noticed too severe differences between the too yet, even as time...
  3. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    Update!!! I still don’t really know their genders but I am just happy getting to document their aging process! Currently one of my chicks however, has grown this bit of wing. I thought it was an odd bump at first but now it’s a full part of their wing! They don’t seem in pain which is my...
  4. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    Super cute!!! I love silkies so much 😭 I’m interested in how mine will turn out! Right now they are so similar I’m wondering if they are both pullets. But I know it can sometimes surprise you!!
  5. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    Update on my silkies! This is officially week 6 for them. I have a video linked! I wanted to update you all and see if anything will help y’all in identifying Roos! BTW chick 1 is the suspected roo and chick 2 is the smaller one (although they are getting similar in size.) Video: Chicks walking...
  6. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    Good to know! They are both very skittish and they both will stand tall if they see something, but otherwise don’t really stand tall often. Here is a photo of #1(named Katsu) the way they stand is how they both stand. #2 (named Alfredo) is smaller and has always been very clingy to me and Katsu.
  7. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    These are the only photos I have of them around the time I got them! I hope it helps? I know they aren’t head on.
  8. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    Thank you! I’m very eager and hoping they are both hens! But we shall see :D also here is a photo of the possible roo from a distance
  9. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    Hello! I am new to having chicks on my own and I want help sexing these two chicks I have! They are currently almost 5 weeks and look like the following. The top row is chick 1 Bottom row is chick 2
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