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  1. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    Since the dog died I haven't heard a peep from the neighbor. He hasn't tried to talk to me or even called the city on me. I just wonder if someone said something to him. I haven't been quiet about my suspicions and talk about him very loudly in the front yard so I know he knows that we know it...
  2. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    My doggie's home!!! We picked her up about an hour ago. She has survived but will be on meds for a while. She is very happy to be home and is fallowing me around everywhere. I love my Lady Bug I just wish my charlie pup was here too
  3. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    Quote: I would have to agree about the fence, I would make a 10 to 12 foot fence and very solid at that! Oh I can't even think about what we would do in your position, poisoning a dog is going way over the limits, you are a better person if you just shoot them. JMHO The city won't let us go...
  4. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    I did, we have no proof. They said to start repoting everything from here on out. maybe they will get something to make a case against him.
  5. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    I think he poisoned my dogs. He keeps calling animal control with different complaints. I think they finaly told him I was compliant and two weeks later my dogs have been poisoned. We got a puppy from the pound a three weeks ago and it was very sick. It was so sick that it couldn't get a big...
  6. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    OH, I was clueless, but now I know. Thanks
  7. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    Okay what is SSS?
  8. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    I love my little rooster, and he isn't that noisy. He does portect the chickens, even from my husband. Every time my husband tries to pick up one of the girls the roo attacks him, it's actually kinda funny.
  9. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    We had a mean dog as well, but the little yippie dog acrcos the street kept coming into my yard trying to fight with my dog. After several months of this my dog bit their dog so we had to get rid of her. The neighbors actually sent their kids over on several ocasions to ask us to put up our dog...
  10. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    Quote: If somebody parked their car om my property 2 inches from the house, I would use the car as an extra chicken coop. I hear if it is left on you property for more than 30 days it is considered abandoned and you can do what ever you want to it. I would donate it to charity, you know one...
  11. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    Quote: We have two empty lots on the other side of us and a school behind us. I thought about an electric fence and then we could turn it on when we leave, but it is illegal here and my husband said we'd be having fried chicken for dinner if we forgat to turn it off.
  12. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    Quote: The house came with a 6 foot fence and we have added two feet to it. He does it whe were not home. we have to actually catch him in our yard for them to do something.
  13. melgsix

    Does the neighbor count as a pest?

    I have a neighbor who doesn't like us, I don't know why. When we're out side and he's outside he is very friendly, he comes over to talk to us and jokes around with the kids, but we recently found out that he has been calling the city to complain about us since we moved in. His first complaint...
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