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  1. renk777

    Has anyone ever switched out chicks under a hen?

    Not the best photo...I was alone...but this is suspected EE cockerel.
  2. renk777

    Has anyone ever switched out chicks under a hen?

    Here are the 2 BRs...the one in my hand is the suspected roo. The one in my daughter's hand is the pullet.
  3. renk777

    Has anyone ever switched out chicks under a hen?

    2 are Barred Rocks. They were sold as sexed pullets but I'm certain one is a roo. Gray down with dark stripes and barely any wash on legs. Larger than bin-mate and tail is typical roo-poof. The other 4 are EEs. One is very aggressive and has grabbed mama's face and tried to drag her. I've only...
  4. renk777

    Has anyone ever switched out chicks under a hen?

    Seller is a local feed store and these were some of the last chicks of the season. If I wait too long, I fear none will be left...and potential for mom to reject replacements increases. They've already reduced pricing to move them out. Technically, we can't have chickens and we already have 3...
  5. renk777

    Has anyone ever switched out chicks under a hen?

    I placed 2+ week old chicks under a broody hen on Tues. I knew the chances of her accepting them and them imprinting on her were pretty much 0. But I tried anyway with a brooder set up in basement as back-up. And it worked. Mama and babies act as though she hatched them out herself...
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