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  1. B

    Ducks attacking wild birds?

    It might be hormones, our drake is a sweety but he does sometimes pretend to chase us as we are walking away. He likes to look tough in front of his girls! I have seen them try to eat frogs and newts, so I suppose a small bird is not much bigger, if they can catch it
  2. B

    Ducks attacking wild birds?

    They are khaki campell / cayuga cross, so they can only fly a few feet. I had seen the news article about wild mallards eating small birds, apparently behaviour never observed before! I find that hard to believe
  3. B

    Ducks attacking wild birds?

    Hi, I have a drake and two ducks free ranging in my garden. They’ve never been too keen on wild birds, but seem to be getting very aggressive. Last week one of my ducks was quacking hysterically at some pigeons sat on our roof, and another day she was upset and I found a dead sparrow fledgling...
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