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  1. Kaneke

    indian red jungle fowl

    something new every day this morning the cheeps from the chicks seemed unusually loud, so hubby went out to see what was going on he came back and said "there are a bunch of baby chicks out here" apparently, besides the two nests I found, there was ANOTHER nest ... because we now have five...
  2. Kaneke

    indian red jungle fowl

    and it's amazing how things can change in just one day ! the neighboring property owner decided to have his "vacant lot" weedwhacked, so the 4-6 feet tall wild grass is now lying in disarray over the 6-inch tall "stubs" of the clumps the grass grew in and the little black pullet seems to have...
  3. Kaneke

    indian red jungle fowl

    total newbie here thanks for posting this, it got me thinking about these, so I looked up the picture of "Hawaiian chickens" at Feathersite, so now at least I know what my roo is ! (as a red jungle fowl, he's gorgeous, he's rather noisy ... but mostly he cackles like a setting hen ! mostly...
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