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  1. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    AWWW! 😍😍😍
  2. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    OMG 😍
  3. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    He just calls you "Claws" :gig
  4. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    I was talking about the Youtube channel. Hognose snakes are definitely awesome :love
  5. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Are they?
  6. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    PM, please, not in public!! 🤫
  7. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Do what now?
  8. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Ok that's it I have to go out to Virginia and find you one bro.
  9. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Hognose!! Gimme! :love
  10. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    The foot was basically almost torn off from the leg. We cleaned the wound, immobilized it the best we could, and basically just kept her quiet and comfortable. Eventually the foot turned black and fell off, so now she just has a stump for her right leg. She's slower than the ducks, and limps...
  11. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Yep. It got a couple of ducklings/goslings and almost got her. Praise the Lord she pulled through! I was advised to put her down (It looked REALLY bad initially, super torn up and bloody) but I thought she deserved a shot.
  12. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    I have a miracle baby too! She only has one and a half legs, but still gets around with the best of 'em! Limps on land but swims well.
  13. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Dr. Ah be like: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
  14. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Oh they're so so tiny they couldn't even do ANYTHING to a chicken at all. They're even tiny at full size. They are technically venomous but not dangerously so BECAUSE: 1. They like, never bite. I'm not even sure they could bite a human. That's a lot to get a tiny mouth around. 2. Their venom is...
  15. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Aww he's really cute! 🤗 Good choice. Thank you for not just feeding him to the chickens!
  16. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    I won't ever be able to drop that now 😂
  17. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Lol xsure
  18. Bakbuk

    Welcome to my farm!

    Dar we ar
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