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  1. Mrs. K

    Chickenkeeping, year 4: The Roostering

    It was hard for me too, to butcher, and to be honest, the first year, I went and bought a store chicken, cut it up and mixed it with the home grown. And so slow, I too remember birds getting rigor mortis before I was done! You get better. You really do, and there is a real satisfaction in...
  2. Mrs. K

    Chickenkeeping, year 4: The Roostering

    I invited my eye candy to dinner. He just was not a better rooster than Bye, and that was my final cut. I am in that wonderful position of a good rooster, caring for a young flock. It was a pleasure watching them out in the shade this morning. Hanging out with their fella! MRs K
  3. Mrs. K

    Chickenkeeping, year 4: The Roostering

    Well do both of those today! When picking roosters, get rid of the trouble - 1st cut Wait - get rid of anything you don't like, whatever reason - 2nd cut Wait - cull to two, if you are not there yet. Wait - make final choice If you have less than 15-20 hens, one is enough. I pulled 6...
  4. Mrs. K

    Chickenkeeping, year 4: The Roostering

    Good! It sounds like you are aware. Do know that when you remove one or more of the cockerels, there often is a big shift in the behaviors of the ones left behind. Mrs K
  5. Mrs. K

    Chickenkeeping, year 4: The Roostering

    I would be very leery of anything pecking me, and I would not want one flying up to my shoulder - way too close to my face and eyes. In my viewpoint, actions that are often interpreted as being friendly, are often being misread. Those bold birds that want to sit on you, have little or no respect...
  6. Mrs. K

    Chickenkeeping, year 4: The Roostering

    It will be interesting to see how this goes. I do it differently, and will be interested in your long term results. I want my roosters to keep their distance from me. Mrs K
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