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  1. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Overdue update: Lacey is doing amazing! Shortly after she gave me they membrane, she layer a perfectly normal egg and had been back with her flock ever since. While I wish I could get her to take a break from egg laying, she has been laying consistent normal eggs for me almost daily. Very...
  2. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    There was some goop around the egg in the bedding. Not sure if the egg broke after she passed it, or if it is internal laying. I’m wanting to say it’s not internal laying just because of how normal she’s acting.
  3. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Victory!! After two plus weeks of prolapse treatment, stuffing things down her throat, and separation, I was pleasantly surprised by this beautiful broken shell-less egg this morning! Found this membrane in her crate with goopy bedding around it. Yes! Good job girlie! I’m so proud of you. ☺️...
  4. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    That is my thought as well. She's been in a crate within the coop, so can still see her buddies, but she's getting antsy in there.
  5. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Update: We're acting like a chicken again! I ended up putting a thin layer of straw down in her crate instead of the towel since that was a mess. The straw is keeping her occupied as well, so thats good. Still no egg material today, though she's acting perfectly normal. Tails up, no straining...
  6. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    I’m so happy she’s moving in the right direction, super glad that I css as n have a win on this one. ☺️ Will do! With her new spunk I’m sure she’ll make it quite difficult on me, but I’m certainly okay with that. :D Thank you! I really appreciate everyone’s help, I needed this guidance.
  7. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Update: I'm so happy to be able to report some good news today! It was a welcome surprise when I pulled Lacey out of her crate for a soak, to find that her prolapse was gone. She took care of it and tucked it back in all by herself! I couldn't stop telling her how proud I was. ☺️ Good job...
  8. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    I haven't tried. I'll give it a go tomorrow.
  9. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Update: She’s still doing good this morning, and her prolapse msg be starting to look better. I’m not sure if she pulled the build up off herself, or it fell off, but all the build up was gone this morning. It doesn’t look as irritated as before either. She’s still eating and drinking we’ll...
  10. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Thank you, I appreciate it. ☺️ I'm hoping thats how my story goes as well. The sweet girl is still trying to keep her game face on. She eating, drinking, and perching very well, so I'm rooting for her. Hopefully we can figure this thing out, she is a sweet special little girl.
  11. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    I've never noticed the issue until now, so I wondered if it was stress related. I'll check tomorrow morning. I do have some mineral oil I can use for her, I'll see how it looks tomorrow. I'm just really worried I'll hurt her trying to clean it. I figure crusting over is more dangerous, but I...
  12. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Another thing I noticed is she is going this head flicking motion. She does it quite frequently in bursts. Thoughts? I have never noticed this before. Could it be related to her condition or something else? No other respiratory issues that I can tell.
  13. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Update: As of this morning we're still plugging along. I can't tell if the prolapse shrunk a bit, or maybe some swelling went down, but its definitely not getting worse. I soaked her again this morning, I'll probably repeat this afternoon as well. She still seems to be doing good. Her crop is...
  14. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Worked great! I didn't have a syringe that would fit her tiny beak, and this worked quite well. :)
  15. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    One step ahead of ya. :) All come up as a go. I diluted the people dose in a smaller of water, than used about a tsp of that to make a dough ball with some chicken feed. Put 1 tiny drop from an Oil of Oregano capsule in that dough ball as well, and I probably only got half of it in her. She...
  16. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Update: Today went well knowing her condition. She doesn't seem to fazed at all. She been pooping, drinking, perching, eating and flicking her food around as if nothing was wrong. ;) She was even trying to perch on her feeder dish today, so I put a piece of firewood in her crate to perch on. Her...
  17. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    I also have this that our herbalist gave us a bit ago for an infected wound. It’s for people, but I’m going to try it on Lacey anyway.
  18. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    Okay good to know. I’d prefer not to even give the to her, holistic brain over here, but I am more concerned about the consequences if I don’t get her antibiotics. I wish I did. I can get her some next week, the closest feed store is 45 minutes away unfortunately. I have Oil of Oregano I think...
  19. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    That’s tough on a tiny little hen. I haven’t weighed her, but I’d imagine she’s only a pound. That’s about half a kg. She’d only need 5mg. Not sure how to get that out of a 200mg tablet. How necessary are antibiotics at this point? Is it something I can hold off on or?
  20. Weeg

    Bantam hen with bloody discharge coming from vent?

    I followed all the steps in the article minus the hair dry. She was stressed and I wanted to be as quick as possible. I lathered her prolapse with as much hydrocortisone/preparation H and antibacterial ointment as I could, it didn’t want to stick. Put her back in the crate outside in the coop...
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