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  1. LateBirdFarms

    Mink attack...

    If it's super hard packed, I'd give it a go, or maybe hose down the bloodied areas then try and turn it. I'd be concerned about the smell attracting other pests and predators, so working the mess in might decrease those odds. Im always extremely happy to let my ladies do some of the work for...
  2. LateBirdFarms

    Mink attack...

    If you're able to give the dirt a bit of a turn, I would start with that before tossing down more bedding, I find it helps to encourage the flock into more vigorous scratching. Like @Folly's place suggested, I put my used coop bedding into the run and have the ladies turn it into a wonderful...
  3. LateBirdFarms

    Mink attack...

    I went almost 10 years without seeing a weasel of any kind on the property, 6 of them with a flock. We had had a wicked storm that dropped a branch on a corner of the run roof, doing so little damage that I thought I had time to get around to fixing it. Wasn't a big enough spot to let a coon or...
  4. LateBirdFarms

    Mink attack...

    After having 16 birds slaughtered by a stoat in under an hour, I've found nothing short 1/4" hardware cloth will keep out a weasel. If you leave one of your fresh dead chickens out as bait, it may come back for you to dispatch as you please, but they're quick little murder monsters. Sometimes...
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