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  1. ChickenDude12345

    BROODY HEN just hatched eggs

    Well thanks for your help. Best of luck to you also
  2. ChickenDude12345

    BROODY HEN just hatched eggs

    Yes if I ever did this again I would be much better set up. Probably should’ve thought it out a little bit more but hopefully it all works out. I would’ve left her in the nest box of the coop with all the other flaI would’ve left her in the nest box of the coop with all the other flock but she...
  3. ChickenDude12345

    BROODY HEN just hatched eggs

    Glad I built a separate pen too because the other ones in the flock are very interested in the chicks. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing😅
  4. ChickenDude12345

    BROODY HEN just hatched eggs

    I know right! Not sure what went wrong but I did see one in the next that she tried to help out of the shell. Pretty cool seeing how nature works
  5. ChickenDude12345

    BROODY HEN just hatched eggs

    She ended with 8 chicks. Three died fully developed in the eggs and one didn’t develp but I’m still happy with my hatch rate
  6. ChickenDude12345

    BROODY HEN just hatched eggs

    UPDATE: I built a temporary Wall between the run and put a box in their side covered with plastic so they can still see each other through the wire. But one thing is for sure when I had to move them she was not happy to be separated from them😅
  7. ChickenDude12345

    BROODY HEN just hatched eggs

    Thanks for the advice I’m trying to find a smaller coop to put inside the run but I don’t know if I’ll be able to get one in time. I think they would be fine but I’ve never experienced them around chicks so I have no idea!
  8. ChickenDude12345

    BROODY HEN just hatched eggs

    Okay here’s the situation. My broody hen just hatched some chicks today after incubating in my garage in a 2ft by 4ft box. Most days I brought her out for a half hour a day to eat, drink, and dust bath. She was around the free ranging flock for that half hour. The last four days before hatch I...
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