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  1. loohoo

    Hen With Possible Sprain

    Thank you so much! There is bruising and swelling around her hock joint today, about 28 hours after she injured the leg. I appreciate your post, very helpful! The worst part is the timing...we're leaving for a week here in about 13 days. 😣 We're home all year practically and then someone goes...
  2. loohoo

    Hen With Possible Sprain

    This morning there is bruising and swelling around the hock joint area. She did try to take 2 steps when I took her out to asess the leg this morning... very much limping/kind of hopping, and then just laid down. She is eating, however!
  3. loohoo

    Hen With Possible Sprain

    Hi all! I've got a 2 year old hen who injured her leg this morning. My husband saw her jump off the water bucket and immediately begin flapping/flopping around, unable to walk. I brought her in and after laying for a bit on her side with her one leg curled up, she got up and began walking...
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