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  1. TJAnonymous

    Need duck expert advice

    The new peepers arrived today. I put them in a 4 ft diameter puppy pen. Using a MHP on low for heat. How long until I can expect them to outgrow it? I'm hoping to get at least 2 weeks until the new pen is ready. There's 4 babies that arrived today and, of course, 1 egg in the incubator. I...
  2. TJAnonymous

    Need duck expert advice

    I'm watching poor mama duck from the window. After taking a long bath in the kiddie pool, she keeps going through the remains of the playhouse and the spot where her nest used to be. Poor thing....she looks very confused.
  3. TJAnonymous

    Need duck expert advice

    Update - this morning I heard mama duck carrying on. I ran out to the coop to find, as expected, another snake invading her nest. After running the snake off (it got away under my Silkie coop! 🤬), I went back to look closer at her nest. Only ONE duck egg. I gave her FOUR just a few days ago...
  4. TJAnonymous

    Need duck expert advice

    Just a quick update... This morning the mama duck did leave her nest BRIEFLY to eat and drink. I'm going to let her stay on her eggs a little longer but I will probably hand raise the new ducklings
  5. TJAnonymous

    Need duck expert advice

    I'll try to get a picture of her, if that helps. She doesn't look terribly dirty or anything... And I moved food and water this week into the area she is in because she wasn't taking the duckling to eat or drink. She does eat if she can reach it from her nest. The water is placed so she has to...
  6. TJAnonymous

    Need duck expert advice

    Thank you for responding! I appreciate your feedback! There was a game hen who was sitting on the eggs inside my duck coop for at least a few days, maybe a week? They are duck eggs...but a broody is gonna brood. Of course I can candle the eggs to see if they are viable. The mama duck hen...
  7. TJAnonymous

    Need duck expert advice

    I have 4 ducks currently (1 drake, 3 females) who are 2 yrs old. The duck hens have tried for 2 years to brood eggs with no success... I currently have 1 Pekin who has been sitting on eggs since May. She FINALLY hatched out a baby duckling about a week ago...but she still wouldn't get off the...
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