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  1. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Thank you for that article! Super helpful! I don't think it has internally pipped yet as I didn't see the "triangle" shadow it talked about. Hopefully it will hatch. :fl
  2. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Hey guys! I need a little help! The first two seramas hatched yesterday so I opened the bator to get them in the brooder. I decided to candle the third egg that hasn’t pipped yet and I can see it’s heart beating and it’s alive in there… I know assisting isn’t the greatest… but if I were to...
  3. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    One of mine hatched last night and the other at 1 this morning! Two lil Serama babies! There is a third egg who looked great when I candled, but hasn't pipped yet. Little worried about that one, but check out the cuties!
  4. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    I loooove babies pics with mama hens! It makes them looks so much smaller and fluffier! Adorbs!
  5. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    I've got two pipped just now! Hopefully the third will go soon too! It's only Day 19 though! I just put them into lockdown last night!:eek:
  6. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    My brain isn't working this morning- eggs go into lockdown on Day 18 right?
  7. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    I'm down to 3 as well! All 7 I had were growing at some point, 3 quit the first week and 1 more quit the second week. I'm hoping these 3 make it to hatch day on Friday :fl
  8. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    I found the eggs local on craigslist actually! I've never had a Serama before or hatched them, so I'm super excited to see the size of them when they pop out! The parents are almost a Mille Fleur pattern so I have no idea what to expect for their colors! I've had two other hatches this year...
  9. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Hey everyone! I am catching up on reading this thread from the beginning, but I have 7 Serama eggs due to hatch 8/19 :yesss: I heard Serama eggs go early though on day 19/20.. has anyone else heard this before? I'm excited to see what you're all hatching!
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