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  1. RuffIedFeathers

    At what age can you determine if a chicken meets the SOP?

    Thank you! Do you know if there are mentors available for new breeders (like myself) and how I would find someone? I read and research a lot, but I would love to find someone who can mentor me. I absolutely love this site, but I don't know if I should run here every time I have a question on one...
  2. RuffIedFeathers

    At what age can you determine if a chicken meets the SOP?

    Are there any resources that give examples? For example, what's a breed that would take a year, and what would you be looking for during that year? Thank you!
  3. RuffIedFeathers

    At what age can you determine if a chicken meets the SOP?

    At what age can you get a good idea of what a bird is going to really look like? How do you decided who to thin out early on? For example, if I hatched 100 chicks, would you raise all 100 until a certain time to see which might be considered SOP and THEN make a decision on who is the best...
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