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  1. mlholmquist

    2 year old hen can barely walk, 1 week into treatment - other suggestions?

    I woke up to a standing chicken yesterday and today! You can see the smashed B-vitamin tablet on the cucumber in the photo below. Miracle vitamin! Seriously, she's getting stronger and stronger. I took her outside for a field trip with her sisters yesterday, and the low hen (Owlette) went after...
  2. mlholmquist

    2 year old hen can barely walk, 1 week into treatment - other suggestions?

    Thank you! This is so helpful! I really can't thank you enough for everything. <3
  3. mlholmquist

    2 year old hen can barely walk, 1 week into treatment - other suggestions?

    Thanks for the additional thoughts! Day 10 update: We started CEH cream on her legs yesterday after her epsom salt/CBD footbath. I rubbed some triple antibiotic ointment on the sores first, then the cream all over both feet and legs. Things are looking much better (the yellow tint to her skin is...
  4. mlholmquist

    2 year old hen can barely walk, 1 week into treatment - other suggestions?

    Relatively fresh dropping from this evening at bedtime. She's still hanging in there, and fairly perky still. No change from yesterday. Tonight's dinner included a scrambled egg, some wet crumbles, Nutridrench, CBD oil, VetRX, and a Super B Complex tablet. She was skeptical, and kept shaking her...
  5. mlholmquist

    2 year old hen can barely walk, 1 week into treatment - other suggestions?

    Thanks for that info about B complex vitamins - I will get some tomorrow. Her poop is very liquid - dark green mash-consistency in lots of clearish liquid. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow. It makes the most pleasant (hah) sound when she poops. ;) I believe we called them "hershey squirts"...
  6. mlholmquist

    2 year old hen can barely walk, 1 week into treatment - other suggestions?

    I'm going to try to provide as much info as I can using the questions from the pinned post - just wondering if others have suggestions for what else to do to help my hen. Sorry this is so long! Thanks for whatever insight and thoughts you might share! 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does...
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