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  1. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    All 17 of the Buckeye chicks hatched. Here's a little picture of a few of the first ones hatched.
  2. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    11 out of 12 fertile shipped brown leghorns hatched. 16 out of 17 Buckeyes have hatched, the last one has pipped though so it might be 17/17 soon.
  3. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Day 19 and 2 of my shipped Brown Leghorns have externally pipped. :)
  4. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Marans are slowest to hatch.
  5. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Day 6. :)
  6. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Candled to check for fertility today. My Bielefelder rooster is molting so no fertile eggs from him. My young Buckeye rooster is doing great 17 fertile out of 20. The shipped Brown Leghorn eggs are 12 fertile out of 13.
  7. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Since you started to help some blood may have glued it to the shell. After 24 hours from the last time you were "helping" it I'd see if you need to help pull back the top part of the shell and let it push out on its own. If you wouldn't have intervened this wouldn't have been a problem, sorry. 🤐
  8. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    :oops: oops sorry, I should have looked at location and not username. :thumbsup
  9. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    How many hens does your rooster have? Sometimes they have favorite hens they like, sometimes when they're nice they aren't aggressive breeders. I'd take my friendly roosters any day. Also in the extreme heat they might back off breeding. I hope you'll try again.
  10. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    I put in 20 of my Buckeye eggs, we'll see if my young rooster is doing his job. 1 of my Bielefelder eggs. 13 shipped Brown Leghorn eggs from Indiana.
  11. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    People buy straight run chicks all the time. You can sell them as straight run and then they can decide what to do with the cockerels. I know you may not like to think of it when they are cute little babies, but people need home raised meat too.
  12. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    I just wanted you show you all my thread on candling dark eggs and what to look for. 😊
  13. BirdsBeesTrees

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    It would help if you candled at the fat end. ;)
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