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  1. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    I was worried about mold and stuff on mine before we paint were going to use a mold killer mold preventing cleaner to make sure mold won't be an issue (hopefully). The coop came from someone else and they had it sitting for a while and it has a slight mildew smell to it. I just don't really know...
  2. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    I have tons of things that need to be done to the chicken stuff. My new coop that we got last year which we hadn't been able to paint so no One was put in it got blown over a bit before we started getting lots of snow so in the spring we have to fix it and put it back on its feet and then paint...
  3. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    Were getting fresh snow here today. A few nights ago we had 60 mph gusts and consistent wind speeds of about 20mph there wasn't snowfall or blowing snow though so there wasn't new horrible drifts on roads.
  4. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    I've been good! Im making a picture book for my nephew it's called The lost horse I've only gotten some quick sketches done of three of the horses in it the main one being a filly called Flicka. Her mom Rain and her dad Fern have been drawn as well. They're the lead horses of a wild herd that...
  5. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    I don't know if my dad has ever helped with driving, it's always either been my mom or one of my siblings. And something that just sprung to mind was helping people back up (standing outside the vehicle) with or without a trailer I am terrible at that and get real nervous.
  6. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    I've driven manuals before and attempted a clutch killed it nearly everytime. We currently only have manuals in a way at least out of working vehicles. I am terrible at braking im either to jerky with the brakes or I brake way to soon when I park the car. Im kind of worried about failing. My...
  7. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    I feel like people here in wyoming do that fairly often. I live outside a college town though so I don't think it happens as often here as it does in other parts of Wyoming. I don't drive yet, I can get my learners permit but I don't really want to...
  8. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    This is the snow fort that's still in progress there's ice in our way atm. 🎶Diggy diggy hole......🎶 I don't know how that song goes lol
  9. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    Ill try getting some photos of it tommorow then.
  10. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    I don't like bad drivers either and im not really driving yet. I had a really good day! Me and four of my siblings started building a snow fort a few days ago and we worked on it some more today. We even brought one of our dogs out and had let her dig in the snow with us she had fun. I'll try...
  11. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    Good night, everyone who's going to bed right now, sleep well.
  12. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    It took me a sec to realize lol Chicken butt. That's my chickens in the horrible wind almost daily.
  13. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

  14. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    We have two guineas they're almost a year old now. It's mostly Frankie he's such a butt head around food when it comes to the chickens but they usually leave the ducks alone. It's definitely a good idea to keep a close eye on the guineas if they're around other animals and making sure there's...
  15. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    Some of those reactions are probably from me I had to read through like 50+ pages to catch up.
  16. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    She got picked on by the guineas. She was probably 6 maybe 7 I don't exactly know what year we got all our older chickens in and some of them were younger than other I think she was kind of from our first flock.
  17. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    Here's some photos of Pearl. Pearl in the kennel she was hanging out in a lot when she wasn't so great. Pearl got hurt on this day or the day before I don't quite remember at the moment. I forgot to check what day this picture was taken but I know it was before she got hurt a few months before...
  18. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    Yes, I do. She was pretty and the last white hen we had I don't exactly know what breeds all my chickens are so maybe someone can figure her breed out for me? I have ideas but Im not sure if they're correct. I'll post a photo of her here in a sec.
  19. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    I've had an okay'ish day, a old hen (R.I.P Pearl) of mine who I brought inside the house last night was getting really weak and stuff and she passed earlier today. She hurt her legs somehow I thought it was a sprain but I believe it was something a little worse, that happened like a month or two...
  20. AngelinaThePekin8

    Calling all teenagers

    Good night
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