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  1. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    Happy Easter!
  2. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    Hey hey hey, i'm American (VA) and Easter is tomorrow.........
  3. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    No, poppy has a bed, she likes to spill things on it.
  4. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    So THAT'S what those are! I had those allllll ooooover my corn plants last year. I'm the same. My brain wanders off to a world of KR and leaves me here.
  5. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    Poison ivy. I'm resistant to it.
  6. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    Guys i have 40 FRIGGIN ALERTS WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!????
  7. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    Good points. Like I enjoy history and all but why do we need to learn about all these other cultures but our own?
  8. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    I had strawberries a friend gave me from FFA for breakfast and they were soooooooo good! Like way better than store bought.
  9. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    English! I know I need to know basic grammar and stuff, but why do I need to know how to diagram a sentence or where the adverb is?? I know a few jobs I'd be happy with {computer programmer, mechanic, technical designer} and it's not like I'm gonna walk into an interview for any of those and the...
  10. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    It says you posted that at 2.15 am on my end......
  11. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    @notabitail no it didn't tag
  12. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    Basic code? Ym like this?
  13. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    Yeah, just use their user number. But I don't have a memory to hold them all...
  14. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    Three letters left in my calligraphy! Just A's and B's in different styles today.
  15. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    french fries and salsa. sorry I'm absent, i'm practicing calligraphy. I'll post a pic when i'm done
  16. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    what is it
  17. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

  18. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    @AidKD another for me pls
  19. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

    Daydreaming too much. I stare into space designing systems in my head while I'm supposed to be doing Social Studies....
  20. BackroadGirl57

    Calling all teenagers

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