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  1. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    Exciting about the ducklings! I've been good, although at a bit of a loose end. I recently got my first dirt bike, a after my brother got one a little while ago. It has been very enjoyable so far! I will need to look at getting a licence for it, so I can take it out on the road. (or at least...
  2. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    It is cold, raining on and off, and miserable here. I am missing summer already....well kind of! Last weekend was the last heatwave of summer (well technically autumn, but anyway) and a grass/bush fire took off about 20kms from here. We were keeping a pretty close eye on it as it was heading in...
  3. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    Shall I just say, I am not even going to try it!
  4. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    Not fun! Did it just break down?
  5. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    I always think it must be because rats eat such nasty things, (car wiring, and soap spring to mind) that they taste bad. Mice eat more seeds and things. Our cats are directly related to feral cats, that have been living in the wild for many generations, so rats don't faze them. I have never...
  6. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    It was, we have 10 farm cats, so it would have been one of them. They never eat rats, just kill them and leave them lying around; on the other hand, mice are apparently delicious!
  7. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    This one is better!
  8. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    On the doorstep this morning, there was a rat body on one side, and the head on the other.
  9. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    Its been a long wait! And the best thing about rides like these, is I don't think they will ever go anywhere, as one can never get that thrill on a computer. So there's no hurry!
  10. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    I never use them, I guess I am a bit old fashioned!
  11. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    I highly recommend it! Haven't had so much fun for a long time.
  12. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    I wish you wouldn't use that gif (is that what they are called?) It always freaks me out! 🤣
  13. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    Hey everyone! Been a bit busy, and yesterday we went to the local show. A fair few chickens, mostly bantams which aren't really my thing, but a couple of light sussex and buff orps. Also, for the first time ever, we went on the rides! (if you think its odd that I am 20 years old, and have never...
  14. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    I don't know how busy it is here. Grass fires and planned burns will be about it, I should think. Not that grass fires can be any less dangerous then other kinds, but usually they are a bit more manageable.
  15. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    Everyone going ok? Been a good few days here, I've been getting my application in for the RFS (Rural Fire Service); it will be good to get into something like this.
  16. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    Yes. South-east NSW Australia is where I am. I wish we got snow like you do! One fall of 3 or 4cm is all we get usually. If you want to experience heat like never before, you should get a ride in a rally car. Last weekend, we were competing, and it get so hot in the car, that 35C (95F) outside...
  17. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    One of our cats, Fireworks, was in a fight with an eastern brown snake ( which is considered the world's second-most venomous land snake) today. Luckly for her and us, she was sharper and quicker then it, and I was able to get her away from it before it bit her. Not so lucky for the snake...
  18. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    A bit ordinary, to hot and sunny to much outside, and not that much to do inside. I'm at a slightly lose end in the moment, because I have finished school, but haven't really decided what I want to do yet.
  19. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    How's your day been? (and yes, I am changing the subject 🤣)
  20. Sussex19

    Calling all teenagers

    I can't remember how it started, but the discussion was as to whether one dog could bite another dogs head off.
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