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  1. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    Welcome @Barnette that's dope you rescue chickens!
  2. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    I used to take my laptop to school and I would be on backyard chickens while in Algebra 2 😂
  3. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    Happy Easter
  4. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    Nothing. Screw them moes! 😂 No but I agree with chicks, stuff is better to be left unchanged
  5. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    I know I'm pretty much German but my great grandma came from France during WW2
  6. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    Girl bye 😂
  7. riss

    Calling all teenagers

  8. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    I'm thinking of the movie Trolls
  9. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    Dumb question but is Poppyland like an actual place in UK or am I tripping?
  10. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    I'm jealous and I don't know why lol
  11. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    Bro how? Y'all both from England too right?
  12. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    So is Chicken poppy Lettie, and Lovely Lettie is Poppy? I'm confused I feel like I came in this chat late lol
  13. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    I don't know why but I could never get into tea nor coffee
  14. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    That would be 100% accurate to this year
  15. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    I want to go to Milwaukee and Wisconsin Dells
  16. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    I'm trying to take a trip up there in a couple weeks
  17. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    Tell me about it when techinally it's supposed to be spring now😒
  18. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    Where you at with snow? I'm in southwest Michigan
  19. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    It was almost melted here this morning but it started up again
  20. riss

    Calling all teenagers

    Really? Snow is great for a couple weeks like for christmas but afterwards when you just have cold blizzards for months it's annoying
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