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  1. BuckeyeFoodie

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I've never had a problem doing this. I usually have two, but sometimes up to four, separate clutches in the same incubator (I have another NR360 that can no longer be reset to turn, so it's my dedicated hatcher). I would try dry incubating next time, it's worked well for me.
  2. BuckeyeFoodie

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    If it goes below 30 I do add water. I also have to keep my incubators out in my un-heated coop now, so in the cold months they are swaddled in blankets for insulation, which helps keep the humidity up.
  3. BuckeyeFoodie

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I have three splash silkie eggs due to hatch the 17th. It was four, but I accidentally dropped one candling yesterday and it didn't make it. It is so interesting to see everyone's different methods of incubating and hatching - using NR360's, unless it's very dry (and I live in Ohio, soooooooo)...
  4. BuckeyeFoodie

    January 2023 Hatch-a-long

    So I have various Silkie eggs (five or six) due to hatch at various moments in the next two weeks or so thanks to an inconsistent broody. I'm also going to start setting eggs next weekend, which may be a mistake as my lavender Orpington roo and his harem lived with my silkies for the deep...
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