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  1. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Thanks. She's also completely sterile. She doesn't lay eggs.
  2. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Leghorns, some do hide barring. A better picture of the rooster in better lighting will help determine if he's barred, or not.
  3. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Barring can hide on Dominant white as well.
  4. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    I posted before I finished Wrighting.
  5. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Barring can be hard to see on blue. So one blue parent must be Barred. Blue can only show up if a parent is Blue. Some Blue chickens can almost look black.
  6. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Updated Pictures of the Chameleon Roosters. The effect it has on some of the barring looks cool.
  7. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Had to put him on his back, for pictures.
  8. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    The pointy breast feathers on the father of the Ayam Ketawa mix's Father. There's some rounded ones too, but it's the pointy ones that are interesting, were the main focus.
  9. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Father does have leakage in the breast, but he was originally solid blue breasted at 6 months. I don't have a picture of him when younger. Another oddity about the father, that I yet need to get a picture of is his pointy breast feathers. It's like he has hackle feathers on his chest.
  10. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    No Buff, in the background. Father is a Leaky Blue, OEGB/Phoenix cross, & mother a BB Red Ayam Ketawa.
  11. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Here's updated pictures of my weirdo. He's now 3 months old. Grew in more female patterned/colored feathers along with Male specific feathering.
  12. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    My weirdo. Female patterned breast feathers. He's fast to mature, crowing, & saddles started coming in at about 4½ 5 weeks. He's OEGB/Phoenix X Ayam Ketawa.
  13. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    That's fine. Was giving the thread a bump, in hope some others may see, & want to share their's.
  14. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Anymore oddballs out there?
  15. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    She's 2 this year. Will be 3, next year in either May, or June.
  16. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Here's Smarty Pants's Daughter, Sassy Pants. Timeline: 2020-20212022 (Always had white in wings, never had white under-fluff, just a note)Pictures Continued: 2022Almost doneComplete transformation
  17. MysteryChicken

    Genetics Oddities Thread

    Post in thread 'Genetics Oddities Thread' Updated pictures of Smarty Pants. HeadNeckBetween Shoulders
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