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    Ended 2023 Valentine's Day Contest Series—Wattle I Do Without You?

    This is CockCock. He's a year and a half old and was hatched by me. His daddy was a Rhode Island Red and his mom a White Leghorn. He's not a looker but he's the sweetest rooster I've ever known. He's never once had a problem with the other roosters and is very loving to all newcomers.

    Ended 2023 Valentine's Day Contest Series—Wattle I Do Without You?

    This is Bojangles. She was bought at a Tractor Supply four years ago and was one of my first chickens. She was sold as an Easter Egger, but I believe her to me a Speckled Sussex. She is my little buddy. She's more like a dog than a chicken. She follows me around the yard while I'm working and...
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