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  1. FunClucks

    Normal Feet or Scaly Leg Mites? Please help!

    I was looking at my hand and arm today - they managed to bloody freckles I didn't even realize I had! Long sleeves for me next time I do chick chores. Stinkers!
  2. FunClucks

    Normal Feet or Scaly Leg Mites? Please help!

    I've had chicks pick at my scabs too, and try to eat my freckles until they bled (sharp beaks on those week old chicks). Adult hens will do the same thing. Any blood or sight of blood, and they will go after it. It's like a switch flips in their minds. So if anyone in your house hold ever...
  3. FunClucks

    Normal Feet or Scaly Leg Mites? Please help!

    This is another reason I make sure to keep a container of grit available at all times (free choice) as well - to help deal with them eating things they shouldn't. Sharp metal would probably do them in, but my hope is that if they get ahold of small pieces of plastic or something besides sharp...
  4. FunClucks

    Normal Feet or Scaly Leg Mites? Please help!

    Just be sure to provide free-choice oyster shell in a small container she can eat it whenever she wants. That way her body will never run out of calcium (unless she has a genetic issue absorbing it, which is not common). The commercial chicken Layer feed also has enough calcium to support egg...
  5. FunClucks

    Normal Feet or Scaly Leg Mites? Please help!

    Definitely rascals! It's all about the PECKING!!! Such a big deal for them!!! Glad you ended up okay. I know you've had birds, but chickens can be a bit different, so just throwing some things out there. You might try a wire bottom cage and a play area with bedding for two different things...
  6. FunClucks

    Normal Feet or Scaly Leg Mites? Please help!

    Commercial chicken feed is optimal for a laying hen, minimum 16% protein if you feed no treats, recommend 20% protein feed if you feed treats. You can feed a laying hen diet (which already has needed calcium in the formula) or all-flock diet with calcium (oyster shell) in a separate container...
  7. FunClucks

    Normal Feet or Scaly Leg Mites? Please help!

    Chickens make a lot of dander and poop. If you must keep her inside, consider building her an indoor enclosure. If you have a garage, she can live happily there - chickens do just fine down to about -25F as long as they have a draft free place with plenty of ventilation over their heads to...
  8. FunClucks

    Normal Feet or Scaly Leg Mites? Please help!

    Once she gets healthy and calm again, she may lay you some eggs. :)
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