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  1. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    Well one incubator fully hatched today and fluffed up so we took them to the brooder for the night. The second incubator seems to be a day behind. 4/10 hatched so far. All eggs have pipped so I assume by morning we will have some more!
  2. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    Ok I’ll stick with pics and updates. Currently have 9-11 hatched another 8 or so pipped and rockin! One entire incubator (although same brand and model) hatched out a lot quicker so I’m sure there’s some factory variation and temp differences, but the second incubator is not far behind. We’re...
  3. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    They’re popping out left and right!!! 2 questions 1. Can I post vids through this forum? 2. Is it normal for the humidity to sky rocket when they start hatching? It’s been 70 and now there’s condensation on the dome and it’s like 86
  4. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    Alright folks hole long before I see some beak. These little chickens are looooooooooud
  5. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    can finally hear the chirping through the eggs!
  6. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    PIPgang 🥳🥳🥳
  7. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    I wish! We’re definitely seeing a loooooot more eggs rock around!!! But no pips zips or anything else yet. Tomorrow at 5pm is 21 days. I suspect we will start to see some action tomorrow evening into the night 🥳
  8. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    I haven’t seen anymore rocking but I’ve been pretty busy the last few days. I kinda told myself that during lock down there wasn’t much for me to do and I’m getting antsy so i try avoid watching it so much. We’re about 50 hours ish out!
  9. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    Oh that’s pretty cool! I’m only doing two types of birds this incubation. I’m sure I detailed it early on but now that I’m thinking I might not have. In the incubator I have bluebell eggers and barred rocks. All eggs are fertilized by king Henry the welsummer rooster soooooo I should have 2...
  10. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    Damn I don’t even know what we’re talking about here and I feel like I need some!
  11. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    I call them dividers but it’s just the egg turner divider.
  12. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    Cam 1 and 2. I went ahead and removed the turner so we shall see
  13. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    That’s a good thought I did not remove the tray today. I had planned on letting them turn through the night and taking the tray out tomorrow (technically lock down is tomorrow at 5pm) but what you’re saying makes perfect sense and now I’m wondering 🤔 It was a VERY minor twitch not any heavy...
  14. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    Ooooooook so we’ve got a big time update today. I saw my first egg rock around on its own! So tomorrow is lock down so I wanted to give the incubator a good look tonight. I candled them one last time and while I did I noticed the water filling tray had some film floating on the top of the...
  15. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    I’m pretty sure based on latest candling that I’ll hatch 18-19/22. If that’s the case I’ll be at an 80ish % which I’d be very pleased with. Additionally if I could get the hen/roo split to fall into my favor that would be great also haha
  16. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    Porous is definitely the terminology I would use and have seen used in the “sticky” forums specifically under the candling threads. It’s less than ideal if you had your choice of eggs but mine seem to be doing fine and if I had no choice I’d use them all day long. Nothing wrong with the egg just...
  17. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    I might candle once more to remove any remaining quitters that I left in there last night here is a pic of a quitter (I think)
  18. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    alright alright I candled again a last night a couple days later and it turns out it’s just really tough to see with the naked eye. I put them on there and it looked totally dark so I took a picture to send a friend and the vasculature showed up great in the pictures. It’s wild they don’t look...
  19. R

    March hatch along. My first incubation ever

    Ok so I’m at a weird spot here now. I went from having tons of veins and embryonic movement around day 7 to no movement and very dark hard to see anything eggs at day 10-11. Basically just a small bit of light through the air sack, otherwise I can’t see much of anything. Oh well I guess we will see!
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