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  1. RuffIedFeathers

    Marek's is taking over my flock and I'm not sure what to do

    I am close to UC Davis. I've had them do necropsies for me a couple of times (which is how I confirmed Marek's). I've been able to euthanize them myself so far, but it is so hard. It's such a bummer. I've purchased all my birds from places I believed to reputable sources, so I'm not sure how it...
  2. RuffIedFeathers

    Marek's is taking over my flock and I'm not sure what to do

    I'm still trying to understand this disease. So if I cull my entire flock and start over, isn't the disease still here on the property? I've read that it can stay for years. Or forever... Given that Marek's is one of the most widespread poultry diseases, is it safe to assume that quite a few...
  3. RuffIedFeathers

    Marek's is taking over my flock and I'm not sure what to do

    What does a closed flock mean? I haven't introduced any new birds since I started my original flock (all birds purchased as chicks about the same time. No new birds/chicks since then, other than getting chicks now).
  4. RuffIedFeathers

    Marek's is taking over my flock and I'm not sure what to do

    So a few months ago, I noticed one of my BCM was walking with a limp. I had a vet look at her and they suspected Marek's. A couple weeks went by and she started doing better, but my other BCM started having the exact same symptoms. The first still has a slight limp, but has been stable for a...
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