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  1. acheeknmanbestfren


    We have some of that on one of our sheds. Was there when we bought the place so I'm not sure how long it's be on but sure is doing the trick. I'd think it could be an excellent option for most coups, particularly smaller ones where one swath would cover each side of the roof.
  2. acheeknmanbestfren


    Thought OP was asking about roof are absolutely right about the sheathing failing! Wish the practical application of melting tar strips was as you mentioned - I've had a section of roof come off in the wind 3 times this year (winds were much heavier than usual), upon...
  3. acheeknmanbestfren


    Metal is probably your best bet though a properly installed and seasoned comp. shingle roof should do well too. Trick is to install the comp. shingles at time when temps are high enough to "melt" them together.
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