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  1. Ourgosling22

    Vitamin deficiency

    That is it-we give it to our birds orally.
  2. Ourgosling22

    Vitamin deficiency

    I have not been able to find the durvet vit b complex locally. I got the liquid b 12 from tsc and am giving them about 1/2 tsp for couple of days orally. I don’t like putting anything in their water for the reason you said. I’m am still trying to get the vit b complex anyway to have on hand. Tsc...
  3. Ourgosling22

    Vitamin deficiency

    Ok-thank you.
  4. Ourgosling22

    Vitamin deficiency

    I gave both babies about 1/2 tsp of liquid b12 orally this morning. I have them outside for a bit sunning and they both actually look good but still have concerns about the one that I thought has a small vit deficiency issue. By a couple of people’s reactions they don’t seem to agree so maybe...
  5. Ourgosling22

    Vitamin deficiency

    ok-will try the cutout idea. I did the electrolytes every other fillup but am doing more just plain water. I do let them swim in the lukewarm bath. They don’t seem too ambitious about it but I do that for them anyway.
  6. Ourgosling22

    Vitamin deficiency

    I’m not crazy about their setup but all I can do for now. I clean it everyday and put them in supervised pen to stretch out and pick at grass if want to. I thought the same thing about the water container but if I put in big bowl they would just get in it and possibly dump it and then would be a...
  7. Ourgosling22

    Vitamin deficiency

    Hi everyone- I think I have a vitamin deficiency/niacin deficiency problem with at least one of my goslings. I was so proactive watching them like a hawk and even got on BYC to get everyone’s input to make sure I was doing everything possible to make sure my babies were healthy and on right...
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