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  1. R

    Is this nest box opening big enough?

    It was the12" diam buckets and 10" diameter holes that made me think I might be too small at 9" tall. The post on "even smaller" is really helpful. I'll not worry about sloping up my bottom to the front, and we'll be watching for signs that we need to change the interiors as well as the...
  2. R

    Is this nest box opening big enough?

    The opening is 9" tall (smaller than I'd intended) - I could widen or round it to widen at the bottom lip most easily. The horizontal opening is about 12" on each side currently? We left some of the wall on the left and right instead of cutting it out. I could narrow it down by inserting a...
  3. R

    Is this nest box opening big enough?

    Thank you both replies, I just did not know if they would care for only 9" tall. I am planning to narrow each opening down, from side to side, by adding a center/vertical trim board in the middle when we finish trimming it out and add a partition wall. (So far we've only put the trim...
  4. R

    Is this nest box opening big enough?

    Since we couldn't get to the big box stores yesterday, we built a nest box instead. The result is that the opening for the chickens from the coop is only 9" high. I can cut it down (enlarge it ) when I trim out the inside. Do I need to? We have Rhode Island Reds. Oh yes, and how much...
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