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  1. Maddcatter

    When I turn out the lights my chicks freak out

    Be aware that members of the nightshade family are not good for your birds... Like tomatoes. (Tbf, I read that somewhere and have not done further research). They will sleep in the dust bath. That's kind of normal. I have taken to puting chicken wire around things I don't want eaten, but I get...
  2. Maddcatter

    When I turn out the lights my chicks freak out

    If the chicks haven't been in the dark before, it scares them. I tend to keep a nightlight on for my birds. ... Even my grown ones in the coop have a nightlight (it's about as bright as a full moon). So that if the go from heat lamp to not (my weather has menopause) it doesn't freak them out...
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