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  1. U_Stormcrow

    Cornish X on 18% feed from start to finish - the results

    Honestly, I learned most of what I know in a couple weekends worth of readings here on BYC. Someone more knowledgeable than I wrote some things, and linked some studies. SO I read them. Then I read the studies they referenced. and the studies they referenced... and some free online books...
  2. U_Stormcrow

    Cornish X on 18% feed from start to finish - the results

    This part is true. For Cx to do well, they need both a relatively high Crude Protein level AND that Crude Protein needs to be balanced in a way containing adequate amounts of certain key amino acids. If it gets those, it can manufacture or synthesize the rest. This part is wrong (at least...
  3. U_Stormcrow

    Cornish X on 18% feed from start to finish - the results

    No worries - I'm up to the task. Its a pretty obvious error he made, and once I've explained, you will have a better grounding in amino acids, and be able to educate him. Case of right solution/wrong reason why it works.
  4. U_Stormcrow

    Cornish X on 18% feed from start to finish - the results

    The owner of the hatchery is wrong, but I see where they were trying to go with that. On a short lunch break, will try and come back and explain what they were probably trying to say after work when I have more time - if I'm not too tired.
  5. U_Stormcrow

    Cornish X on 18% feed from start to finish - the results

    Definitely interested in the Rangers. I've considered them more than once. Were I not so invested in my culling project... I'd start over with superior stock. :)
  6. U_Stormcrow

    Cornish X on 18% feed from start to finish - the results

    First, thank you for doing this. Second, if you get the itch, I'm curious what results would be if you used the same hatchery each time (my only batch where Hoovers via TSC and I was not impressed). Hope to see more records like this in the future.
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