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  1. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    First night back in the coop and there’s a bunch of black feathers laying under the roost… I think she may be the problem chicken.
  2. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    There is a BR rooster in the neighborhood over and he’s a good 30% larger than all his hens. This one lays eggs! (I pulled them from her shelter during her jail time.) Any thoughts on the behaviors? Feathers are missing off of undersides too, and have been for a while.
  3. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    Sure thing. Please note she is the same size as all the other BRocks.
  4. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    I let the hen out of chicken jail. She was kept in a small holding pen inside the run. She was back out being vocal and strutting around. I don’t think shes a rooster as she never crows, however she does not have the pecking damage the other birds show. We also have gotten 8/8 egg days.
  5. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    It’s odd because all 8 should be hens. We have 8 girls and have gotten 8 eggs in one day. Thoughts?
  6. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    Big update: Here’s what the chickens were looking like…they still kind of are. I put the suspected pecker in chicken jail but saw prolonged chasing in the run by another… I ordered covers for all the ones with bad feather loss. Fingers crossed that this fixes it. I think they’re off to...
  7. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    There’s a single, large barred rock that has no feather damage. I am going to isolate her tomorrow evening and see if that helps. They’re all pecked or so bare in places, I feel like I’ve failed them, which is a downer. I should have nipped it in the bud as soon as I saw it starting, but I...
  8. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    Sorry I’ve not replied to this thread. Chickens are still looking tough. Some more info: -I feed out of a bowl and a feeder in the coop. The chickens generally hit the bowl as it’s easier to feed from. They should know the feeder has food as they used that for their first 9 months or so of...
  9. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    I’ve poked around quite a bit for mites and lice but can’t seem to find any. I’ve checked at night, looked under wings, around vents, at the bases of feathers, just can’t seem to find them. The coop is 8x8 and the run is maybe 150 square feet or more. They have free access to the run from 5am...
  10. C

    Anyone ever just start over?

    I’ve got 4 BRocks and 4 BJJ that all seem to have a pecking problem. I’ve put blinders on 6 of the 8, but still see bullying and pecking behavior out of multiple chickens. I’ve tried adding extra roosts and places to go in the run, spreading out the roosts so they can’t peck at night...
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