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  1. C

    CORYZA !

    Thank you !!! I am trying
  2. C

    CORYZA !

    No odor …no lice ect.. one eye has lime puss in it I’ve cleaned it used eye ointment over 2 weeks no change Other eye is open and not at bad He’s eating and drinking and slowly walking around no worse but no better I got the meds suggested in this thread started that 3 days ago ..except for...
  3. C

    CORYZA !

    No smell at all no other birds he was part of a small flock years ago he outlived them all he’s about 14/15 years old Never find out what the other bump was it just disappeared I kept washing it then during winter it was gone
  4. C

    CORYZA !

    I ordered “ premoxil “ hoping he will drink water once I get it And the other is sulmet ? And can I mix them together ?
  5. C

    CORYZA !

    The bump from last year is gone .. the one you see is hard from his comb it’s not dirt or food build up I wash his face and head almost everyday The symptoms are very similar to what he has started with one watery eye with discharge swelling then both eyes to this it progressed rapidly…
  6. C

    CORYZA !

    He is the only animal on premises lives in a barn well ventilated and clean I can’t even get aintibiotic for him no vets here will see roosters I just don’t understand why
  7. C

    CORYZA !

    Back then All they say around here is put him down he was perfectly fine eating running ect but over past week has got worse eyes and breathing funny but still eats walks to me ect ugh 😣
  8. C

    CORYZA !

    His eyes are both shut now
  9. C

    CORYZA !

    He can’t see now both eyes shut started in one eye
  10. C

    CORYZA !

    think my rooster has Coryza can see and I can’t get any aintibiotic anywhere !! Any suggestions he’s 15 years old I know he old but…..
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