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  1. Bocktastic Quackles

    How reliable are automatic coop doors?

    I would want to know that too. @NorthwoodsChick i didn’t know all you had to buy was the monitor- is it light sensor too? I dig your handy work and creative painting. Really just a string to pull up a wooden door!? So simple..
  2. Bocktastic Quackles

    How reliable are automatic coop doors?

    Thank you. When you say both are you referring to having two? Or both as in two of the attachments kits? Do you think ducks can also get through this with easy as well?
  3. Bocktastic Quackles

    How reliable are automatic coop doors?

    This is useful information. I’ve been considering one and really like the idea of peace of mind even though their coop will be predator proof have extra security is nice. Do you have suggestions on their Attachment kits, such as Cube mk1 Omlet mesh Chickenwire mesh and your...
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