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  1. N

    newbie egg maker mama....looking at meat for next year

    Wow! Thanks for taking the time to answer in such detail. I guess it's a good thing I didn't decide to try meat this year. Lots to think and pray about. I ordered a frozen cornish cross from a local farmer to try for dinner....but it sounds like all the different varieties can taste quite...
  2. N

    newbie egg maker mama....looking at meat for next year

    Ok, so I went through the article on fermenting. This is something I'd been thinking about for a while, but hadn't actually jumped into yet. I do have a question (assuming you ferment, since you had the link). The article says feed 1/2 to 1 cup 2x/day (watching for it to be gone in 30 min). Is...
  3. N

    newbie egg maker mama....looking at meat for next year

    Thanks! Lots to think about here...
  4. N

    newbie egg maker mama....looking at meat for next year

    I am geeking out on the first research project. This could become more time consuming than FB LOL
  5. N

    newbie egg maker mama....looking at meat for next year

    Thanks! and Love your tagline/ under HIS wings. That's where I want to stay :)
  6. N

    newbie egg maker mama....looking at meat for next year

    Hi all! I currently have 5 pullets (4 Buff Orps, 1 RIR) and 1 (oops) Buff Orp rooster. No eggs yet (about 16 wks)....already looking to next year, and whether I want to add more for meat. My feed supplier (a local farmer who ground us some good organic feed) is not real thrilled with cornish...
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