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  1. Kkakes414

    Give me your educated guesses :)

    Thank you, if it is those 2 I wouldn’t surprise me cause those are the breeds I got the extras of and if the hatchery was like and we’ll just toss these 2 from the straight run or cockerel boxes lol
  2. Kkakes414

    Give me your educated guesses :)

    We use chick grit but I just sprinkle it on the food.
  3. Kkakes414

    Give me your educated guesses :)

    I have 8 chicks, all of them are 4 weeks old. I originally ordered 6 but the hatchery sent me 2 extras. However, I do believe I did not get all pullets as requested (I do know sexing is not 100%) I have attached 2 photos of each and I would love to hear what you all think they are. Below are my...
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