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  1. My15Ducks

    What gender? 3 Rescued chickens. Unknown breed and age

    She’s ok!! As soon as I woke up I heard her outside and she is totally fine and safe. So relieved. I know I’ve had these chickens less than a week but I couldn’t stand the thought of something happening to her! Thank you all for your kind words
  2. My15Ducks

    What gender? 3 Rescued chickens. Unknown breed and age

    I’m devastated. This evening one of the rescue hens disappeared and I’ve looked all over and there is no sign of her. I moved the remaining 2 into a hardware cloth cage which is totally predator proof. I just feel like such a failure. She was such a sweet trusting hen. I wanted her to have a...
  3. My15Ducks

    What gender? 3 Rescued chickens. Unknown breed and age

    My sister who is more experienced with chickens then I am also says they are all hens. Well they are very nice chickens and will have a excellent home with my friend. I’m amazed how tame and calm they are.
  4. My15Ducks

    What gender? 3 Rescued chickens. Unknown breed and age

    Now that I can tell them apart a bit better, here’s #1 who is the biggest and most upright and has small spur bumps.. And #3 for comparison. I guess I’m just skeptical they are all hens because why did someone dump 3 purebred hens? They are sweet chickens and doing well
  5. My15Ducks

    What gender? 3 Rescued chickens. Unknown breed and age

    My sister has chickens on the same property. But she doesn’t want these so I’m keeping them in a separate pen. I’m going to treat them for mites and keep them until I’m sure which are hens and roosters, and then rehome them.
  6. My15Ducks

    What gender? 3 Rescued chickens. Unknown breed and age

    Thank you for the replies! I looked up Delawares and they do look similar. I hope they are all hens. My friend wants to adopt at least 2 hens if some of these are hens. I’ll try to find good homes for any roosters. These chickens are surprisingly calm and are happily eating, drinking, and...
  7. My15Ducks

    What gender? 3 Rescued chickens. Unknown breed and age

    Hi, Someone abandoned 4 chickens along the road and after several days I finally caught 3. Hopefully I can find number 4 too. I don’t know what breed or gender they are. Hopefully they aren’t all roosters?? Here’s a few group pictures. I’ll post individual photos next
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