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  1. goodeggsforyou

    Worried about unusual behavior! Might it be the bear or What?!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I greatly appreciate it! Giving them a thorough looking over is a great idea; thanks for the good suggestions on how to do so. They are being fed layer feed pellets which they've always eaten up until now. Maybe it's the brand (?) We do likely...
  2. goodeggsforyou

    Worried about unusual behavior! Might it be the bear or What?!

    Hi All. After 3 years of a healthy flock I think something's wrong but really have no idea what and am worried for them. I place this in the predator area too because we do have bears around here and recently noticed come claw marks, etc. on the coop that are new, though no victims thankfully...
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