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  1. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    A lack of space was the original problem. Now that the new coop/run is finished, our 6 chickens do have about 21 square feet of run space and 6 square feet of coop space each. Reading everyone's comments, to me it's obvious that I probably handled the situation incorrectly, hindsight and...
  2. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    Thank you so much for all the information you've given me. I can see now where I made mistakes and I can learn and move forward with a LOT more knowledge. I think someone on here said that with chickens there's definitely a learning curve. I totally agree with that statement. I'll be adding...
  3. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    I'm still really new to all of this and have never had to reintegrate any chicks into a flock. The only reason I did separate the 2 was from what I had read online (before I found BYC) you should separate the injured chick so the others wouldn't hurt it more. I know that chickens are social...
  4. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    Thanks for the advice. I really don't want to give up on them. I know that chickens are smart and stubborn. I'm hoping they are still young enough that I can redirect and reestablish good behavior (maybe I'm delusional though - lol). I'll be moving the bullies into a separate area today. I...
  5. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    I'm desperate and need any/all advice. I need to give a little back story and I'll include pictures when I can. At the end of April 2023, we purchased 6 chicks from a local feed store. 2 Starlight Green Eggers ( SGE - 2 weeks old), 2 Black Australorps (BA - 1 week old), 1 Barred Rock (BR - 1...
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