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  1. photogal76118

    3 day old Duckling got eye and head pecked by older chicken

    The babies are doing well. Eating and drinking, chirping and sleeping. They are adorable. I’m glad there were 2 and not just one so they are not lonely.
  2. photogal76118

    3 day old Duckling got eye and head pecked by older chicken

    Unfortunately the baby didnt make it through the night. Im pretty sure it suffered severe brain damage from the head trauma. Poor thing. But a couple days later, 2 more eggs hatched. I snatched them up immediately and brought them into the brooder in the house. Momma chicken was not happy...
  3. photogal76118

    3 day old Duckling got eye and head pecked by older chicken

    It hasnt eaten or drank anything since I found it injured. I'm not sure the last time it ate or drank anything. I'm not even sure how old it is. I discovered it and it's dead sibling 2 days ago but not sure when they hatched or when the sibling died. Momma chicken fluffs up and growls at me...
  4. photogal76118

    3 day old Duckling got eye and head pecked by older chicken

    I have 3 female Rouens and 2 drakes. I also have 3 Rhode Island Red hens and a Buff Plymouth Rock hen. No roosters. My Buff PR became broody so I put some fertilized duck eggs under her. A few days ago, 2 of them hatched and I was not aware. I went out there a couple days ago to check on...
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