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  1. T

    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    I'd suggest using some Elmers or school glue for testing. It is water-soluble and you can soak the feeder unit if you need to remove it. Super glue would be best when you are comfortable with the setup. Just to clarify: It looks like you are trying to keep the outside ring in place. That...
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    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    I don't think that will work well. You don't want rough edges that can hurt their comb/wattles. I'd try another one and just do a straight cut to create a semi-circle. Use sandpaper or a file to smooth out the edge if needed. You should be able to get 2-3 semi-circles out of each cover.
  3. T

    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    OK. I see the problem. I think it is a design problem with the kit. Under the right conditions, there is a fix is fairly easy. Chickens love to flick around food looking for the best bits. They are naturally messy eaters. With this setup, they are using their beaks to scoop feed forward...
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    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    You might want to check your last two posts. Both @ references point to the wrong people. :idunno
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    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    That's odd. It should cut down the amount of wasted feed, not increase it. Can you take a couple of pictures (including one peaking into an opening and at least one showing where it sits/hangs) and we might be able to spot the problem?
  6. T

    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    Looks like they ran out of the 4 feeder kit and switched to the 8 feeder kit.
  7. T

    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    Yup. The plastic itself is fine. Just give it a good cleaning. I'd be more concerned if it ever held toxic chemicals of any form, but clay, paper fibers and other such materials commonly used in cat litter aren't a problem.
  8. T

    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    If you know anyone with multiple cats, then there are kitty litter buckets that work well. Oops- @Debbie292d beat me to it. :)
  9. T

    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    @gtaus triggered an idea with his 4" elbow post. There is no reason why all of the feeding stations have to be at the same height. If you have a mixed size flock, like some bantams and full sized birds for example, you can install them at different heights to allow for easier access for...
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    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    Two ways. If in a fully enclosed coop and/or run, then it shouldn't need any protection. If it is in an area that squirrels can get into, then rats can as well. In that case, they do supply screw-on caps that you can put on every night. I prefer to keep their feeder in the coop area...
  11. T

    Overstock Sale on 5-gallon Bucket Feeder Kit at Amazon, reduced 50% to $6.49!

    That is a very good price for the kit. 👍 I already have a good setup or I would buy one. With this, all you need is an electric drill to build your own feeder.
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